Our Governors

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Tuke School – The Role of the Governing Body

The Governors of the School are people drawn from the local community and others interested in the school. The Headteacher is responsible for the running of the school. The Governors are responsible for the general oversight of the management, curriculum and resources of the school.

From April 1994, the Governing Body became responsible for the local management and budget allocated to the school. The Governors are responsible for interviewing and appointing teachers. They have also become the employer of all the teachers and support staff. They also act as an appeal body in the case of the discipline of staff or students. Since September 1999 the Governing body has also included a member of the support staff and an additional parent governor.

Parents/carers are welcome to attend Governing body meetings as observers, except where there are confidential items. Meetings are held twice a term and the dates can be obtained from the school. Requests can be made to see a copy of the instrument and articles of the Governing Body and copies of the agendas and minutes of previous meetings. Governors are available to contact by phone or letter.

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Elinor Perry-Smith – Chair

Ioannis Athanasiou – Vice-chair

Heidi Tully – Headteacher

Jack Cole

Tom Barker

Thomas Wooster

Felicity Sandford

Pia De Keyser

Pia Mattsson

Najib Uddin

Priscilla de Graft-Johnson